Evidence 1 and 2. Evidence 3: The lead guy is placed at the BACK of the poster.
Female leading lady is hot, thin, blonde and gorgeous. Men find her extremely attractive. They put themselves in the everyday man’s shoes, ergo; think they will have a shot with a supermodel esq. woman.
Women can identify with this woman…wait, what?
This is considered to be fine and normal!
Men want sex because they have a) never had it before b) don’t get it often c) used to have it a lot, now can’t.
Ugly, ugly man gets to have lots of sex with hot woman. They have a great time, or at least, the guy does.
Drug smoking scene. Drugs are funny!
Sex related scene (strip show/embarrassing attempt at sex/in shadows to hide his unattractive body). Sex is funny!
Popular culture references scenes.
Paul Rudd will undoubtedly show up.
They break up as he can’t commit/loves drugs/is lazy/leaves her to die in earthquake/cheats on her.
She though is a fucking bitch because she is serious and doesn’t play the lad game. B.I.T.C.H and wont let him smoke pot and sit on his arse all day.
Montages of them missing each other – he made her laugh, she made him orgasm.
The running time starts to linger on a bit now, so a halfhearted attempt is made to make this more than a comedy…it’s a drama because err… pregnancy is actually pretty serious err…being a cop can be pretty stressful at times…err Russell Brand leaving the movie is genuinely sad.
They get back together. She learns to lighten up and be lazier etc/forgive her boyfriend for getting a blowjob. He however, hasn’t learnt so much…and doesn’t even join a gym.
Judd Appatow edits the script slightly, replacing sex with a lot more drugs for Pineapple Express.
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