
Wednesday 1 October 2008

Juno – watch her in Hard Candy…not so adorable and quirky now is she?

An indie song BLASTS on. The audience feel smug with themselves that they are indulging in indie cinema that has intelligence.

Juno is pregnant and doesn’t seem too bothered.

She tells Michael Cera, who isn’t too bothered as he is busy recycling his Superbad/ Arrested development character.

Indie song plays.

Quirky teen speak is spoken. Far too much. No one fucking talks like that. Home skillet.

The audience meanwhile are trying desperately to laugh at something and awkwardly look at one another to try and work out what the funny bits are e.g. err, Michael Cera is wearing yellow shorts…ahahaha!

Juno continues to be pregnant whilst insistently listening to INDIE songs.

Juno picks the parents who will adopt her child, but expresses this in the most quirky way possible by holding a hamburger phone, sitting on an armchair with a pipe outside of their house, drinking 17 bottles of sunny delight whilst head banging to an indie song. Probably.

Juno spends a lot of time with the dad. Dad mistakes this for Juno coming on to him; she insists she wasn’t leading him on (she totally fucking was).

Uptight Jennifer Garner gets the baby. Baby is happy that it will definitely be raised in a non-indie music environment and away from meaningless voiceovers.

Juno and Michael Cera forget all about the baby and instead make indie music.

Audiences pretend they loved it and convince themselves that they ‘totally got it’.

They didn’t.

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