
Sunday 3 January 2010

REVIEW: Miss Congeniality

Miss Congeniality 4/10
A room full of male police officers and one female officer (Sandra Bullock) all scratch their heads wondering who on earth they can send undercover at a beauty pageant, to pose as a contestant? Who? The woman? No way, she is so unglamorous under all that un-brushed hair, slightly baggy clothing and un-plucked eyebrows. Oh no, no one else is female on staff? She’ll have to do. Oh how convenient, underneath all that hair is actually super hot Sandra Bullock with a size 6 body. Despite stuffing her face with donuts and guzzling beer (off screen), Sandra manages to maintain a trim figure, so she looks completely in place at the pageant.
A plot bringing My Fair Lady/Cinderella to life, grooming a woman to be proper. She only snags the guy as he realises that she is a piece of hot stuff.
This is simply light throwaway fluff, relatively entertaining with a charming Sandra Bullock, just ridiculous and offensive in places.

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