
Friday, 3 October 2008

F.R.I.E.N.D.S -

Rachel - I love clothes! I'm spoilt!
Monica - Give me something to clean!
Phoebe - Yeahh...totally...spirits...hippy
Joey - durrrr, give me pizza
Chandler - sarcasm is my forte!
Ross - I'm a nerd!
Unintelligent audience 'ahahaha'

Rachel 'I need a better job so I can afford clothes'
Monica 'If you have a lot of clothes, Ill clean them for you!' - ahahahaha
Chandler ' Could those clothes BE any cleaner?' - AHAHAHAHA
Ross 'Hey, do you know whats more interesting than clothes, dinosaurs!!' - ahaha
Joey 'Can you eat dinosaurs? Me so hungry' - ahaha *cheering*
Phoebe 'Eating animals is wrong...yeaah, like totally'
Rachel and Ross get together.
Rachel and Ross split up

The above scene repeats itself for ten years. TEN YEARS.

1 comment:

Tom said...

It's a guest star!!! Screamm!! Oh no, It's Bruce Willis, but the rest of the cast seem to think he's a character of some kind. Haven't Chandler and Joey discussed Die Hard about 99999 times?! Ooo I'm being sucked into a loop of logical impossibility! Scream!