
Sunday 6 September 2009

Batman and Robin/Catwoman

Mr Freeze – Allow me to break the ICE, I am Mr Freeze

Catwoman – PURRFFECCT, I am Catwoman

Mr Freeze – ICE to meet you

Catwoman - What a CATastrophe your outfit is

Mr Freeze – well you better dress warm tonight, a FREEZE is coming

Catwoman - It’s OK, I have NINE lives

Mr Freeze – ....

Catwoman – What’s the matter, CAT got your tongue?

Mr Freeze – I can’t think of anymore

Catwoman - me neither

Mr Freeze – Let us go home and promise not be pun related super villains anymore

Catwoman – Yes, let us do that with our lives instead


1 comment:

Elle Woods said...

What IS Whiskers doing?