
Sunday 6 September 2009

The Wedding Planner/Hitch

JLO/Will Smith – I love helping others in their love life, there isn’t anything I don’t know about love

Person – Hey JLO/Will Smith, how’s your own personal love life going?

JLO/Will Smith – Sheeet! I forgot about that old thing! I suppose logically, I can use my experience and expertise that people pay me to use in my own life. I’ll be the best person at love!

Twist – They aren’t! They’re clueless about love! Whu-oh – cue funky pop music, preferably something from a JLO/Will Smith album

JLO/Will Smith – Oh shit, I just don’t know what to do with a the member of the opposite sex

Person – Just use your techniques

JLO/Will Smith – Err, I choose to ignore that advise, where is a hilarious romantic comedy in that concept?

Person – where the fuck is the romantic comedy in the scenario that you are proposing?

JLO/Will Smith – does it matter? We’ll still make millions!

They do.

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