
Sunday, 6 September 2009

Shallow Hal

Jack Black – Bleeurrgghhh! I’m so misogynist, I love to get me some fine ass, I mean, I am so sexy and physically alluring – as should all my sexual partners who I inexplicably pull.

Guru – hmm, I disagree with the image you have of women Jack, I will secretly put a spell on you – you will only see ‘inner beauty’ if women are beautiful on the inside, they will be beautiful on the outside.

Jack sees gorgeous Gwyneth Paltrow

Jack: Yeaaaahhh, I’ll get me some!

Little does he know that Gwyneth is actually a 40 stone whale. However, beauty on the insssiiiiide. The film only shows us true appearance in brief half a second flashes. The audience cannot bear to subjected to anymore obese people after all that jack Black’s jiggling-on-the-pull dance.

Isn’t that a nice lesson about beauty? Hmmm, not really. This surely just cements the idea that thin and blonde = beautiful and overweight = UGLY, too ugly in fact to even be shown. However, we are allowed to be shown Jack Black who has been cast as the romantic hero – but the woman has to be shown as the beautiful side. At least Shrek showed the ogres! Both Fiona and Shrek!


As well as being morally questionable, the film has ONE gag –

Jack – Hi generic friend character, meet my GORGEOUS girlfriend
Friend – But...she aint gorgeous! Look at her!
Jack – Huh? *confused look* Anywho, onto the next scene!
Jack - Hey other friend, isn’t she a looker?
Friend 2 – Who, Miss Piggy?
Jack – How odd of you to say that, I will ignore this however and do something whacky, probably something involving a guitar!

1 comment:

Elle Woods said...

It was accidental ;)